Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Let me tell you something weird about me.

Is it me, or there is anyone like me who think and do something for others. Buat gw, GUE itu ranking 1 dr belakang. Tapi orang lain terutama keluarga & tmn gw diharuskan jd ranking 1 dr depan. Ga penting seberapa sakitnya gw, asal mereka ga sakit. Mereka boleh injek gw ampe gw mati, tp gw ga blh injek mrk. Gw ga mw kecewain mrk biarpun pernah... (& I'm sorry for it) Gw emang aneh,but my life was not for myself.

Another quotes: My life was not for myself, it is for them & for us. Without them, there will be no me.

& gw lg ngerasa bersalah bngt skrg. Smoga nothing happen God <3

(: well, enjoy your day folks!!

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