Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

I am not hit the bed yet! =D

Morning! It's 1: 37 AM =D

I don't know what to do (except for chit- chatting with a friend). So I open my blog and write something stupid.

&& here, sitting on an uncomfortable & unmoving chair, writing nothing, talk-gossip-etc and hear some stupid music. Looking at my laptop screen and two sleeping- beauties. Sitting beside my untouchable guitar and type a post on a messy table.

& suddenly, my friend appears with an amazing quotes:
Great leader were not born great leader but they were born with an honest heart. DRC

Hahahahaha =D

& I think I have to end this up! haha

thanks for DRC for the new quotes... waiting for others yg bisa kasih inspirasi!!! :D

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