Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Last day on January 2010 (:

Ga kerasa bngt, it is the last day of January 2010! (: feels like just last week the world turns to 2010. Udah sebulan ga taunya ya! (: so it is 9.02, less than 3 hours to February! XD

Di 31 Januari 2010 ini, gw menghabiskan waktu gw jalan2 ke Glodok memburu bermacam-macam DVD!!! I've got a lot of them!!!!! Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, This is It, etc. So happy! :D then I got this stoopid CD, yg cm involes 5-6 songs out of 16! shit I spent 5 thous for 6 songs?! damn! but it's okay. at least i have the list of the songs (= gw bakal download. hahahaha

akhirnya gw bs nonton sepuas2nya ni hari ampe malemm muahahahah!

the best thing ever, gw ga ad PR!!! :D Tuhan baik bngt di akhir bulan ini yaaaaaaaaaaaa! =D

Oh ya! sejak 29/30 Januari, gw lg sangat amat mencintai Suri Cruise, anak aktor Tom Cruise. She's so adorable!!! Way too adorable. gw koleksi fotonya & mengumpulkan lebih dr 15 foto. Dengan koleksi itu, gw edit 1 yg simple banget.....

edited by: Neysa (=

& tgl 30 kmrn gw harus say bye to my long-hair. gw pikir pendek, well ga sependek SEKARANG tuh bagus. pertama d gunting kyk sedikit.... tb2 tukang salonnya blg: "kurang pendek ga? saya gunting lg y 2cm" . NAH gw itu lg itung 2cm, & hasilnya, dy gunting kyk 8cm actually! gw bisa gila... this is such a nightmaree.. ini rambut pendekkk bngtt. & I'll kuncir this til' i got my long hair back. which will takes long time. ):


Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Imperfect Life

Hari ini, seperti biasa, gw pasti ada ribut sama bokap. Ya hal yang kecil yg di ubah jadi sebesar gajah. Hal biasa BANGET buat kita. Tapi hari ini jadi seperti malam puncaknya. Kalau orang2 malam puncaknya di laluin dgn tawa canda dan lain2...ga untuk gw... Bokap mulai ngomongin berbagai hal yang ga nymbung... Tadi dia luangin smua isi hatinya, keselnya dia & dari cara dy ngmg, gw ngerasa dia benci ama kita, anak- anaknya? Dia lakuin smua ini karena terpaksa? Tulus ga sih?

Ada suatu saat tadi dia ngmg & tujuannya ke gw... "Ting, apa sih yang lu ga pny d rmh?" & itu salah satu yang bikin gw langsung kebayang jawabannya.. kl gw boleh jawab & ga akan dimarahin, gw pasti jawab. Gw tw gw akan d marahin krn itu gw ga jawab. Cukup hati gw & yang baca aja yg tau. Jawaban gw untung pertanyaan itu, "Yang ting ga pny d rmh itu kasih sayang yg tulus dr ortu".... stelah itu gw nangis. Bahkan ampe tulis lg di blog aja, gw harus nangis. Cengeng ya. Tapi gitu... Makanya, gw lebih mau meluangkan waktu gw sm tmn2 gw. Buat gw (yg mksdnya blm tntu) cm tmn2 gw yg ngrti gw, yg bs gw syg & mrk jg ga mrh... yang bisa di ajak ngmg & mrk ngertiin perasaan gw. Ada sih waktu dimana gw kdg tangisin beberapa temen gw. Tapi diitung dgn mat & dari liter, gw lbh bnyk tangisin kluarga gw. Yang slalu gw pikir, "o oh, we're gonna crash..." gw ga mw tp stiap kjadian ini ada gw pasti pikir gt.

Tadi pagi dy ngmg lg k koko gw & gw "pna ga sih kalian dgrin papa mama? say sorry?" stiap kali gw mau bgitu, gw malu untuk ngmgnya. Bahkan gw malu untuk ngmg I love You, Mom & Dad... bkn malu krn mrknya....malu krn gw ga brn ngmg. tapi jujur, gw paling syg am mrk.. kl mrk ngmg gw injek2 mrk, gw bakal pikir gw ga tolol untuk benci orang2 yang bs d beli besarin gw ampe sgede gajah... yang ajarin gw bnyk hal. & jujur aj gw ga pna ada maksud bikin mrk malu. kl mrk malu, gw jg malu. gw tw mrk malu gw bego d pljran, tp gw ud cb cm kurang aja & ga ad mksd untuk bikin malu. Tadi jg dy ngmg otak kiri (otak seni) gw kcil. ini sih jahat cm bnran: "gw bs main piano, gw bs sdikit gitar, gw bs sdikit biola. papa cm bs gitar itu pun ud lp pasti." pasti pemikiran kita, otak sp lbh kcil? itu cm jokes.

& skrg gw bs tng, gw blm total msk kristen tp gw yakin Tuhan itu ada. Stiap gw ad masalah am kluarga, gw crt k 1 tmn gw & Tuhan... Rasanya Tuhan ksh gw ktenangan ntah dr doa, alkitab atau apa aja.

gw cm brani tulis disini, I love you mom, I love you dad. & sorry for everything I've done. Cause I ain't perfect.


Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Looklet: My Friend Sweet 17th Party


My Friend Sweet 17th Party. By: neysooo!!!

Follow me& give some hearts for my looks! Accepting comments.
My user web-- http://looklet.com/user/41272


Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Looklet: Late at Night.


Late at Night. By: neysooo!!!

Follow me& give some hearts for my looks! Accepting comments.

My user web-- http://looklet.com/user/41272


Senin, 18 Januari 2010

18 01 10: patokan akhir paling sakit (u)

Jadi ini kejadian tanggal 18 Januari 2010... Banyak bngt unbelievable things happen & semuanya ga ada yang bisa bikin gw senyum... It's like all total disaster to me! & if only I could wish one thing, I want today was not even exist.

... I won't tell everything here. But, for sure, the last part is the most hurts me a lot.

I wish...well what for...let God give the best.

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Don't think it needs title.

I saw it & it just really hurts to saw it. I mean after everything has been told. It was hurts but it's true. Sometimes I just have to face the true. You know, even though it's super duper uber HARD.

Apa Tuhan mau gw apus semuanya & idup bahagia tanpa ada sesuatu yg sakitin? Apa Tuhan lg ksh tw gw kl gw pasti disakitin jadi mending lupain? idk well.

Kyknya everything hurts smuanya terjadi LANGSUNG dtg gt.

ta ta everyone, need some rest!

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010


This post I wrote like a week ago on a bus in Singapore. I need God's way and this is what I wrote...

God, You are my diary,

You know what I feel right now,
You know what I want right now,
You know what I need right now,
You know what's important for me,
You know who I need (besides You),
You know who I care about,
You know what happen to me,
You know things I'll do in a second later,
You know the best for me,
Give me your way to pass everything painful with smile


Let me tell you something weird about me.

Is it me, or there is anyone like me who think and do something for others. Buat gw, GUE itu ranking 1 dr belakang. Tapi orang lain terutama keluarga & tmn gw diharuskan jd ranking 1 dr depan. Ga penting seberapa sakitnya gw, asal mereka ga sakit. Mereka boleh injek gw ampe gw mati, tp gw ga blh injek mrk. Gw ga mw kecewain mrk biarpun pernah... (& I'm sorry for it) Gw emang aneh,but my life was not for myself.

Another quotes: My life was not for myself, it is for them & for us. Without them, there will be no me.

& gw lg ngerasa bersalah bngt skrg. Smoga nothing happen God <3

(: well, enjoy your day folks!!

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

GAMES AVAILABLE (below the postings. enjoy!)


You know, I believe in miracles. For me, miracles are like magic. While magic could sometime hurts and painful or make us joyful.

Well, this is truly my feelings. I'm happy for this miracle, but it's pain for me.

(: alright folks! I'm not in mood of writing new post now. Sorry for you have to read something stoopid. haha
all I can do is only listen to sad and touching songs. feel so dumb right now )':

hope I'll be better for tomorrow (: gbu!

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

When I get bored.

Hello! I'm now going to post new posting about how addicted I am to TAGGING.

Setiap kali bosen, my mind always get stuck karena slalu cm bs mikir 1 activity, tag something on Facebook. Tapi sekarang gw rada ragu2 soalnya selalu bikin wall orang penuh gara2 this stupid-silly-old-fashion-tagged. So maybe I'll upload it later without tagging anyone.

The pics are incredibly cute & those pics are really attractive. I'll show you some.

click this website to find the similar one like the picture on you let hand side.

I am not hit the bed yet! =D

Morning! It's 1: 37 AM =D

I don't know what to do (except for chit- chatting with a friend). So I open my blog and write something stupid.

&& here, sitting on an uncomfortable & unmoving chair, writing nothing, talk-gossip-etc and hear some stupid music. Looking at my laptop screen and two sleeping- beauties. Sitting beside my untouchable guitar and type a post on a messy table.

& suddenly, my friend appears with an amazing quotes:
Great leader were not born great leader but they were born with an honest heart. DRC

Hahahahaha =D

& I think I have to end this up! haha

thanks for DRC for the new quotes... waiting for others yg bisa kasih inspirasi!!! :D

Quotes & some random things.

These quotes are real I got from surroundings... & sometimes there are inspirations from my friends. (thanks guys!)

Quotes # 01: Kita tidak pernah tau isi hati orang tersenyum. (Inspired by one of my friend starts with 'K')

Quotes # 02: Hello's are totally temporary, good bye's is like forever. (Got it when I wish I could sleep)

Quotes # 03: If tears solve everything, then I'll rather cry. (well, I don't think this is a quotes though. But it's kinda cool!)

Quotes # 04: A real best friends are really hard to be found, but they'll suddenly come. (I'm just thinking about this quotes a minute ago)

Quotes # 05: Don't easily get tired of life because many things wait in the future. (I'm thinking of this quotes every time my life gets worst. But I never done this,really)

Quotes # 06: In this entire world, always believe, that our parents love us the most! (Inspired by my grandma.)

last but not least, Quotes # 07: Menyembunyikan kesedihan adalah hal termudah bagi sebagian atau mungkin setiap orang. Tapi menyembunyikan kebahagiaan adalah hal yang sangat sulit bahkan nyaris tidak mungkin. (Inspired by myself.)

BTW, I come up with silly thought and start to edit a picture of a person that I'm sure know... It's kinda harsh but funny. I could not post here because I'm afraid she knows it. So you can see the picture in my Facebook account and comment it guys! ♥


Kamis, 07 Januari 2010


What I meant by Rain was not the popular Korean actor.

It is now 4.00 PM and the rain has not stop since 20 minutes ago. Ujan yg gede yg iringin smua kesedihan gw. Ujan kyk bawa smua kesedihan gw lewat hati yg sdikit sakit, air mata yg sdikit lagi bs kluar cm tertahan & ujan simbolin keadaan gw skrg.

Stiap rintik ujan yg sampe ketanah, suaranya bikin gw pikir betapa sedihnya gw skrg ini. & stiap tetesan itu menyentuh hati & rasanya sakit bngt.

Petir yg menyambar sana sini seperti gw yg andai aja bisa hentiin perasaan sedih gw skrg. Sayangnya belom bs menghentikan kesakitan gw.

Y ampun gw slalu sakit hati untuk hal paling BULLSHIT. Betapa begonya gw yg hal segede upil aja di besar2in. I want to stop it immediately!