Ga kerasa bngt, it is the last day of January 2010! (: feels like just last week the world turns to 2010. Udah sebulan ga taunya ya! (: so it is 9.02, less than 3 hours to February! XD
Di 31 Januari 2010 ini, gw menghabiskan waktu gw jalan2 ke Glodok memburu bermacam-macam DVD!!! I've got a lot of them!!!!! Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, This is It, etc. So happy! :D then I got this stoopid CD, yg cm involes 5-6 songs out of 16! shit I spent 5 thous for 6 songs?! damn! but it's okay. at least i have the list of the songs (= gw bakal download. hahahaha
akhirnya gw bs nonton sepuas2nya ni hari ampe malemm muahahahah!
the best thing ever, gw ga ad PR!!! :D Tuhan baik bngt di akhir bulan ini yaaaaaaaaaaaa! =D
Oh ya! sejak 29/30 Januari, gw lg sangat amat mencintai Suri Cruise, anak aktor Tom Cruise. She's so adorable!!! Way too adorable. gw koleksi fotonya & mengumpulkan lebih dr 15 foto. Dengan koleksi itu, gw edit 1 yg simple banget.....

edited by: Neysa (=
& tgl 30 kmrn gw harus say bye to my long-hair. gw pikir pendek, well ga sependek SEKARANG tuh bagus. pertama d gunting kyk sedikit.... tb2 tukang salonnya blg: "kurang pendek ga? saya gunting lg y 2cm" . NAH gw itu lg itung 2cm, & hasilnya, dy gunting kyk 8cm actually! gw bisa gila... this is such a nightmaree.. ini rambut pendekkk bngtt. & I'll kuncir this til' i got my long hair back. which will takes long time. ):