Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

ihik ihiks

Idup itu keren ya. Saat kita lg butuh tmn curhat, ga d sangka, masalah kita bs slesai. Orang yg expert bantu d depan public dgn ceramah dia. Keren, itu bukan kebetulan. Itu pasti keajaiban Tuhan.

Gw dr Mangga Dua & sampe skrg merasa bngt mau meluapkan isi hati gw. Entah nyatain perasaan gw, ato emg gw lg bnyk pikiran. Rasanya down & maunya nangis. Padahal masalah tuh ud sedikit, ya mgkn msh ad tp itu cm perasaan harusnya ga stick di otak maupun hati. Pusing.

At least only you, my blog yg bisa gw luapin perasaan gw (:

Segede apapun sayang gw ke lu, ga akan bikin lu balik sayang gw lg.
Sadar apa ga, gw peduli BANGET am lu. gj


Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009


Baru aja gw itu cm iseng sms blg kl gw bakal JATOH di masa depan. Dan kenyataannya, dy toh ga peduli gw mo JATOH ato gmn kyknya.

Kenapa gw syg am seseorag yg seseorang itu GA SAYANG gw sama skali. Apa gw d begoin ya sm perasaan gw sndiri? Gw ud angkat tangan. Idup jarang berpihak sm gw. Buat gw idup gw ini buat kesenangan org lain, tp bukan kesenangan gw sendiri. Idup cm kasih gw HAPPY 1x dalam waktu yg panjang...

One fact that I know now is love need sacrifices.


Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Numpang Nanya teteh.

ANEH ya, katanya orang2 tuh cinta itu indahhhh BANGET. Bertahun- tahun gw mencintai orang dgn tulus gw selalu ga ngerasain. Bahkan skrg gw mau se care apapun, se aneh apapun dan se baik apapun ke dia, ga ad buat gw indah yg PERMANEN. Ada cm sementara, itu juga bertahan cm untuk ilangin stress.

DUUHH jd ngaco banget skrg gw lagi banyak pikiran pula!


Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

a really KOCAK story of mine !

sumpah kemaren itu kocak bngt! Jadi, gw chat sm satu abang- abang gw sebutnya. Namanya Alex-- anak Semarang. Dia manggil gw dengan bahasa Indonesia tercinta. Selamat tertawa ya teman2.

15 minutes with ALEX

hhhhhhuuuuu sapa ne???

lu sndr sapa

aku alex nak tegowanu!!u nak mn??


iiih kok gitu toh ???ak baik2 / kok gk d jwb>???

nevermind i didnt speak indo fluently.

sombong kali sih ???aku doain nywamu gk panjng!!! jd orng tu jngn sombng !!!?moral u tu zero !!you know??

you are so mean. i told you i didnt speak indo fully indo.

ok i know !!where are you come from??

take your prayers out of your mind i told you when you're REALLY done

ow sory !!!i cant!! you make my pusing!!

ok well nevermind if you confused about it. how about dont talk to me again... since now because i dont think you understand of what i said.

i am alex from semarang ,, and who is you ??

well it doesn't really matter who am i for you. & im from singapore. but just born in singapore.
ok now you know where did i came from. so can you stop calling me. i need a really serious time to do my things here. okay?

ok sory ??nice see you !!god bay



Gimana? kocak kan? Sadar dh inggris dy kocak bngt!!!


Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

bless the broken heart

God help me! Don't let me break my heart. It doesn't even give me anything. Just let me forget him ):


Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

One thing I could told them, I'm okay (:
though I spent my tough day.


HARD time

It's hard when you see two of your friend
Deeply in loved...
While the girl was one of our best friend.
& the other person was a guy that I really care about

I'm thinking of just let them off
Like a bird,
Fly away up high live for themselves,
Without anyone, like me, besides them

I'm crying inside, seriously
I am so desperate of all of these.
Did they know my feeling?
My true feeling of broken heart.

Hope this end with unhappy ending,
Like I said a couple of bird,
Living without any shitty girl
Beside their beautiful life.

*based on my real life of mine-

xoxo - hik's